Overcoming Obesity

Monday, February 28, 2011

A new day one! Weighed in at 312 (-2 even with binge) and beginning Atkins today. I'm not going to do it permanently just getting a jump start. Thanks Momma & Dawn!!!


  1. Good Luck to you! Im on yet another day 1 myself!

  2. Atkins is a diet that contains a lot of fat! try Body For Life, check out my post on it:



  3. Do what works for you with no apologies.

  4. I've just recently caught up on your blog and I'm sorry to hear you've been having some troubles.

    Perhaps this is a comment I shouldn't post (and feel free to delete it or tell me to mind my own business)... but Atkins is so not the way to go, even for a jump start.

    I found you on SP... and like SP I fully believe (and know from my own experience) that the only way to lose and keep off is to develop a healthy lifestyle that will work for you. Because its all about changing and for good!

    There are my 2 cents.

    Regardless, I wish you all the best and am always here to support you!


  5. Hi there...Good job on the -2...hope all works well with Atkins for you.

  6. We all need to do what works for us here...I too wouldn't use atkins long term but its something that might get you over that hurdle and back on the way that you know you can do this. Yours was one of the very first blogs I ever read or commented on, when I hardly knew if I was going to manage more than a day. You were very inspirational. You are very inspirational. You are not defined by your weight loss, its about a lovely style of writing and positive warmth. I'd really cheer you along to get over this bump and get back on your success road.
