This is what I will drink throughout the day today! Yes, that is a LOT of vegetables and fruit! There is no way that I would be able to eat all of that in one day. Now, if it was a bag chips, oh they would be so gone! But that is what got me in the position I am today, so goodbye chips and hello fruits and veggies! The recipe you ask? Our daily tonic consists of a large handful of fresh spinach, 4 large turnip greens leaves (I was out of Dino kale), three zucchinis, 5 carrots, and 5 apples.
After putting it through the juicer, viola:
It is almost 2 Liters of juice! It taste better than it looks, honestly. The greens do make it a little grassy tasting. Not that I taste test grass often however they taste reminds me of the smell of fresh cut grass. I suggest using any type of kale and since I don't need another excuse in my life, I decided to just use the greens. The good news is, juicing allows me load up on micro nutrients. And to keep it very real, I am not running to the fridge to fill up on my next glass, I'd much rather be drinking a smoothie but I've taken shots of liquor worse than the juice. (Haven't we all?) And to answer your next question, I am NOT drinking it by the glass full. Instead I keep it in the fridge and drink it through out the day. Alright, let's be honest, I down (seriously DOWN) a small cup of it at a time, like shots! HA!
To be honest, it has been very helpful because as I feel like I want to snack or graze between meals, I drink juice and it satisfies my hunger and it helps to keep me full. Because I am so guilty of nigh snacking, I am keeping some juice for the evening to avoid binging or snacking. I finish the bath before going to bed and do it again the next day.
I have been cooking and eating healthier foods this week and I haven't eaten one salad yet! So many people get caught in the salad trap (I am also guilty of this). Last night we had Salmon in a sweet almond sauce, steamed green beans, and a baked yam. Dinner was delicious! My son wanted more which always puts a smile on my face. As a matter of fact, he asked me to cook it again tonight! That is a pretty good demand coming from a 15 year old. Here's a snapshot of our dinner last night.
Cheers to healthy cooking and juicing! What are you doing this week to be healthy?